Monday, July 19, 2010

Living Abroad

You learn some things about yourself when living abroad. Recently I have discovered that I yearn and crave the comforts of America much more than I thought I would. Today I found the Makolet (Bodega/small grocery store- my Hebrew is improving word by word) with a plethora of American staples. And even though I probably wouldn't buy Gatorade Dr. Pepper Milano coookies Corona and Herr's tortilla chips on a regular trip to Shop Rite (ok. well maybe those last 2) when I find them here I feel some sort of inner zen and calm knowing that the ingredients are listed in English and that I am familiar with such items. Of course I've always found something relaxing and enjoyable about grocery shopping and perhaps this plays a small part.
But I also find that it's something that bonds people and communities. On Friday night at the excellent Shabbat dinner I was at -at my new friends Keren and Hillel- eventually the conversation turned towards Wegman's (no- I didn't steer it there) which makes me think that it is the little things that sometimes make the biggest difference.
So if it was ten shekels for an Arizona Iced Tea or much more for a pint of Ben and Jerry's - the ability to justify such a purchase to oneself is immensely easier 3000 miles outside your own zip code. I am saving the Gatorade for a special occasion. I guarantee it will be the best tasting quench thirsting Fruit Punch ever.

1 comment:

  1. True that. But c'mon Mike - Herr's tortilla chips? That's heresy.
